LED lights for floors
2012-12-17 11:36:30
The LED lighting solutions are especially reliable and highly rewarding when it comes to lighting the floor in houses, restaurants and other residential and commercial places. See the
LED lighting systems for floor sanding Bristol in order to discover the true beauty of LED lights for lighting up the interior.
Outdoor Lighting: Sentry supplies LEDs to UC Berkeley, SCE adds SSL option
2011-06-07 19:06:00
The University of California Berkeley is installing SSL retrofit kits from Sentry Electric, Southern California Edison can now offer LEDs on utility-owned poles, and four more North American cities launch LED projects.
LED Replacement Lamps: Sears, Macy’s, Japan market, LSG, legislation
2011-06-07 15:06:00
Sears in Canada and Macy’s in the US are both undergoing major LED retrofit programs. Meanwhile the LED lamp market in Japan is growing fast, LSG has produced 1 million lamps in the first quarter of 2011, and US legislators are seeking to reverse the incandescent bulb ban.